Letter of Recommendation
By Cindy Gadsby, Thyme to Learn Wellness, LLC
March 4, 2018
To Whom It May Concern;
When Patricia Laurino asked me to write her a letter of recommendation, I felt honored. I have had the pleasure of knowing this kind-spirited woman as a student, practitioner and colleague thus working with Pat on both a professional and personal level throughout the years. Almost seven years ago, she came to me wanting to know more about how to share her gifts and talents with the world; during this time, the growth that I have seen in Pat is incredible. Her compassionate, caring and loving heart made her develop into an intuitive Reiki and Spiritual Practitioner.
Pat’s ability to connect with people and her talent at teaching topics she is passionate are truly superior and inspiring. I am always grateful for her expertise and dedication whether this be inside or out of the class or treatment room. She uses her time wisely and aided in clearing any confusion or misunderstanding with ease and clarity. Keeping with her beliefs of confidentiality, authenticity and respect she easily keeps a group focused at the task at hand yet flowing with effortlessness and grace. It is always a pleasure to be in Pat’s presence. She is a friendly, high-energy individual with a great sense of humor.
Pat displays passion within her healing practices and easily shares this passion with professional ease so clients/students/colleagues can grasp the knowledge she instills. Pat’s follow up is always a positive experience with clear communication and guidance. She is now writing session summary reports which provide concrete feedback for her clients. These reports demonstrate her knowledge, support, compassion and attention to detail she consistently delivers.
It is with fabulous and grateful pleasure, that I, Cynthia Gadsby recommend Patricia Laurino without any reservation; she would be a valuable asset as part of any healing team. If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me.
Cynthia Gadsby, MEd, RMT Owner/Founder